View information about how to set up access to a mailbox from a local computer.

Domain Security and Mail Autodiscover

Domains not secured with valid SSL/TLS certificates (e.g., self-signed certificates) might face issues with mail autodiscovery. To ensure proper functionality and secure your mail server, follow these guidelines:

### Access Your Mailbox

You can access your mailbox in two ways:

1. **Webmail Interface:** Use a web browser to connect.

2. **Email Client Program:** Set up an email client on your computer.

### Setting Up Email Clients

Plesk offers an automatic setup for certain email clients like Microsoft Office Outlook and Mozilla Thunderbird through mail autodiscovery. This feature configures necessary settings (protocols, servers, ports, etc.) automatically. However, it may not be supported by all domain configurations.

If mail autodiscovery is not supported or you are using an unsupported email client, you will need to configure the email client manually. Typical settings include:

- **Username:** Your full email address (e.g., [email protected]).

- **Password:** Your email account password.

- **Mail Server Protocol:** Choose IMAP if you want to keep copies of emails on the server or POP3 if not. IMAP also allows training of SpamAssassin if enabled.

- **Incoming Mail Server (POP3/IMAP):** Your domain name (e.g., POP3 port: 110; IMAP port: 143.

- **Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):** Your domain name (e.g., SMTP port: 25. This server requires authentication.

To view the specific settings for your email client, go to `Websites & Domains` > select the domain > `Mail Accounts` > click the info icon.

### Known Issues and Limitations of Mail Autodiscover

Mail auto-discover may not work in the following scenarios:

- **Microsoft Outlook 2019 and Microsoft Outlook 365:** These clients may not support autodiscovery.

- **Domains Without Web Hosting:** Autodiscover does not function if your domain lacks web hosting.

- **Domains with SSL (HTTPS):** Some configurations might prevent auto-discover from working with SSL. Secure your domain and mail server with a valid SSL/TLS certificate from a trusted authority or a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt. To configure this in Plesk, go to `Websites & Domains` > your domain > `Mail` > `Mail Settings` tab > select the valid SSL/TLS certificate > click OK.

For domains with wildcard subdomains (those with an asterisk prefix *), create a wildcard subdomain in Plesk and obtain a wildcard SSL/TLS certificate. Secure the domain, mail server, and wildcard subdomain with this certificate. Choose the wildcard certificate in the Hosting Settings to avoid defaulting to the self-signed Plesk certificate.

**Note:** If you encounter issues accessing your mailbox, this may be due to mail server settings. Possible issues include the need for specific domain names, non-standard ports, or blocked port access. Contact your hosting provider for further assistance.