File and Folder Management CMD
Here’s a concise list of essential file and folder management commands in Command Prompt (CMD) for Windows:
### **Directory Navigation**
- **`cd [directory]`**: Change directory.
- **Example:** `cd C:\Users\YourUsername`
- **`cd..`**: Move up one directory level.
- **`dir`**: List files and folders in the current directory.
### **Directory Management**
- **`mkdir [directory]`**: Create a new directory.
- **Example:** `mkdir NewFolder`
- **`rmdir [directory]`**: Delete an empty directory.
- **Example:** `rmdir OldFolder`
- **`rmdir /s [directory]`**: Delete a directory and its contents.
- **Example:** `rmdir /s OldFolder`
### **File Management**
- **`del [file]`**: Delete a file.
- **Example:** `del file.txt`
- **`copy [source] [destination]`**: Copy a file.
- **Example:** `copy file1.txt D:\Backup\`
- **`xcopy [source] [destination] /s`**: Copy files and directories.
- **Example:** `xcopy C:\Source D:\Backup /s`
- **`move [source] [destination]`**: Move or rename a file or directory.
- **Example:** `move file.txt D:\Documents\`
- **`ren [oldname] [newname]`**: Rename a file or directory.
- **Example:** `ren oldfile.txt newfile.txt`
### **Viewing File Contents**
- **`type [file]`**: Display the content of a file.
- **Example:** `type file.txt`
- **`more [file]`**: View file content one page at a time.
- **Example:** `more largefile.txt`
### **File Attributes**
- **`attrib [attributes] [file]`**: View or change file attributes.
- **Example:** `attrib +r file.txt` (set file as read-only)
### **Searching Files**
- **`dir [filename] /s`**: Search for files in the current directory and subdirectories.
- **Example:** `dir file.txt /s`
- **`where [filename]`**: Locate files in directories listed in PATH.
- **Example:** `where file.txt`
These commands should help you manage files and directories efficiently using CMD.