How cloudflare protect your website

Cloud flare is a web performance and security company that provides a variety of services to protect and enhance websites. ...

Choosing the perfect domain name for your website

1.Keep It Short and SimpleEasy to Remember: A short and straightforward domain name is easier for users to remember and...

Understanding Bandwidth and Storage

When dealing with web hosting, bandwidth and storage are frequently mentioned. But what exactly do they signify, and why are...

What is the importance of uptime in Web hosting?

An uptime in a website is the time when the servers are working properly and are not creating issues while...

Why SSL certificate is necessary?

The full name of SSL is Secure Socket Layer which is a kind of security that saves website data and...

What are the steps to download backup?

Backup can be downloaded partially or fully. Here are the steps to download the full backup:Login to cPanelGo to backup...