What is a webmail?
Webmail is an email system that allows you to access your email through a web browser or a computer that is connected to the internet without installing any extra software.
*Emails are quite helpful in saving space as these stores mail online.
*These are portable and accessible from anywhere.
*The process is quite simple and requires almost no setup.
*Keeps you updated about the new emails.
Following are the directions regarding the access of webmail on your hosting account:-
Webmail is a feature provided by Cpanel,
1- Login to your cPanel
2- Once you’re logged in, scroll to the Mail section & hit Email accounts
3- After that, choose a domain from the dropdown on the right-hand side where you want to create your email address, fill in the information such as Email, Password, Confirm Password etc.
4- After filling in the information, click Create Account & you’re done!
5- You can access your email by scrolling down till you can locate the name of your new account, and clicking on More which will display the option to Assess Webmail
6-Now you can choose the webmail software – SquirrelMail, Horde, or Roundcube which will take you to your inbox.