
Installation Steps for Comodo Positive SSL R in Cpanel Print

  • 14

Here is the guide on how to install Comodo Positive SSL R  after placing order

  1. Login to your Cpanel
  2. Now you need to create a email id with user name [email protected], in webmail or with another email service you are using this will help in upcoming steps
  • To create email account go to >> Email Accounts option >> Create option >> Select the domain >> Enter username as "admin" and password as per your choice and click on Create

3. Locate and click on SSL/TLS Manager in the Security section as shown in the screenshot

Create email id with usename admin

4. Now you need to Generate CSR by selecting Certificate Signing Request (CSR) option as shown below

Generate CSR


  • Enter the required details in the fields (Note: Enter only domain name without andy https and www, only domainname.com )


  Enter required details


  • Select Key Size — Select 2,048 bits
  • And click on Generate button at the bottom
  • Now CSR has been created ready to proceed further, It will look like this


Copy the generated CSR


5. Now you need to visit Comodo Positive SSL service by login to the client area and visit the services section and click on Active as shown below


Comodo Service in client area


  • Scroll down on Active service page to find Default Email Addresses: option and select admin@yourdomain name which was mentioned in the first step

Select email for verification


  • And enter the copied CSR in text box provided for CSR:* and click on enroll Certificate option provided


Entered CSR

  • Now you need to open your mail id [email protected]  and you will receive an email for domain verification like this


 Mail Received


  • Open this email and copy the verification code and open the link as shown


Paste verification code

  • Paste the verification code and click on next to complete the verification process

6. Now last step to install CRT on the Cpanel to complete the SSL installation

  • After completing the verification process you will receive the CRT on the same mail id as

CRT Received

CRT Copy to install


  • Now again visit SSL/ TLS option in Cpanel to install CRT and click on the last option Install and Manage SSL for your site


Select Install cert option


  • Select your domain and enter the CRT copied from the mail


Enter CRT

Autofill by Cert option

  • And click on Install Certificate option at the bottom to complete the installation


7. Voila! SSL has been installed Successfully

Finally Installed


Note: If you are facing any issue in any of the above steps please contact our support team

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