
How to restore the Backup file in your Plesk? Print

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To restore the Full  backup please follow the below steps:


1: To restore the backup zip file you need to Download the software named as Filezilla client from the link: https://filezilla-project.org/.


2: Once you install this software into your local system login into the cpanel of your server using the details hostname, user/password.


3: The hostname will be your server IP and the user/password will be same as your cpanel all these details you have received in your registered email.


4: Firstly you need to extract the zip file of backup in your local system.


4: Once you logged into the filezilla the left screen will belongs to your local system from where you need to drag the files from to your Plesk.


5: Once the uploading of the files is done your all site will be restored as it was before.


NOTE:** Zip Extraction is not Enabled in Plesk due to Security reasons**

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