
How to restore the Full backup? Print

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To restore the Full  backup please follow the below steps:


1: To restore the backup zip file you need to Download the software named as Filezilla client from the link: https://filezilla-project.org/.


2: Once you install this software into your local system login into the cpanel of your server using the details hostname, user/password.


3: The hostname will be your server IP and the user/password will be same as your cpanel all these details you have received in your registered email.


4: Once you logged into the filezilla the left screen will belongs to your local system from where you need to drag your zip backup file to right screen which is your cpanel file manager.


5: Once the uploading of the zip file is done you need to extract that zip file into your root folder and restore the files, emails and the database one by one from that extract files.

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