Website is Slow??
Do the following steps to make your website load better:
1: Please make sure your PHP version is latest and upto-date. To know how to change the PHP version please click here.After upgrading the PHP version your site will load fine.
2: You have to make sure not to use heavy themes/plugins as on shared hosting RAM and CPU is limited so heavy scripts can cause your website to load slow.
3: If you feel like that your website is loading slow then you can try to run it by setting your index to default if it loads fine then you have to optimize your website scripts.
4:You can check what you need to optimize in your website to make it load faster. "GTMETRIX.COM" is the website to check your website speed, at this site you will find what you need to optimize to make your website load fine.
If still you are Facing any issue Please Click Here to raise a ticket to our Support team.