The Cloudflare content delivery network automatically stores your static content at locations around the world for faster delivery. Websites load, on average, twice as fast after enabling Cloudflare. And search engines love fast-loading websites!
Cloudflare optimizer includes a number of tools to speed delivery of all web pages – even those with ad servers, third-party widgets, databases, and tools – to computers and mobile devices. The size of the Cloudflare community enables access to the fastest routes and biggest pipes.
Content is delivered through Cloudflare's distributed network, offering you redundancy: if there is a problem at one data centre, visitors can be rerouted to another, ensuring your website's peak performance at all times.
The Cloudflare community is always on the watch for the latest threats from hackers and spammers. Once detected, new attacks are blocked for the entire community.
Cloudflare delivery network- At the forefront of hardware, routing, and web-server technology,
Cloudflare has built an innovative content delivery network. Easy to set up, extremely affordable, and consistently
high performing, Cloudflare's cloud-based network efficiently processes millions of requests per second from anywhere in the world.
The Cloudflare team builds all the hardware it needs from the ground up, and runs its own network. Because Cloudflare uses multiple data
centres across the Internet – and around the world – your content will always be available, relatively near your site visitors. These strategically located
"edge nodes" are essential to ensuring fast page load times and maximum performance.
This map shows Cloudflare's key strategic locations — giving your website a true global presence. The basic plan is available at no extra cost* to you!
Web content optimization-Cloudflare automatically caches your website's static content around the world, so it's always close to
visitors. True optimization, however, relies on much more. Cloudflare's suite of optimization tools ensures that every single webpage
will load as efficiently as possible from any computer or mobile device, anywhere.
Cloudflare users may choose to use some or all of
the optimization tools – turn on, test, or turn off at any time. The final decision always rests with you, the webmaster!
Cloudflare security-Cloudflare leverages the knowledge of a diverse community of websites and web developers to power a new type of security service. Online threats range from nuisances like comment spam and excessive bot crawling to malicious attacks like SQL injection and denial of service (DOS) attacks. Cloudflare provides security protection against all of these types of threats.
Cloudflare analytics- Did you know that threats and search engine crawlers can account for 20% to 50% of your website traffic? It's important you understand this traffic – but few analytics programs will even show it to you! Cloudflare reports will give you an in-depth look at visitor analytics, and help you monitor traffic from threats, bots, and crawlers.
Cloudflare apps- Integrate additional services or features into your website to improve visitor experience, enhance business, solve problems, and boost productivity. Use Cloudflare apps to integrate new features quickly, safely, and in just one click! Cloudflare apps works with any software platform.