How To Change PHP Configuration?

There are  2 ways to do this. Please follow the below steps :

Step 1 : 


You can add the PHP.INI file under your root folder of domain and make changes in that.


magic_quotes_gpc = Off;

register_globals = Off;

default_charset = UTF-8;

memory_limit = 512M;

max_execution_time = 36000;

upload_max_filesize = 999M;

safe_mode = Off;

mysql.connect_timeout = 20;

session.use_cookies = On;

session.use_trans_sid = Off;

session.gc_maxlifetime = 172800;

allow_url_fopen = on;

;display_errors = 1;

;error_reporting = E_ALL;



Step 2 :

You can also change the configuration directly from cPanel . Please follow the below steps for the same : 

1: Log in to your cPanel.

2: Click the "PHP Configuration" or "Select PHP version" button in the Software section.

3: Now you will see "Switch To PHP Options" you just need to click on this option.

4: Then you can set the values according to your requirement.

5:  After setting the values click on save. 

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