Basic Commands in CMD in Window

Here are some basic commands you can use in Command Prompt (CMD) on Windows:### **File and Directory Management:**- **`dir`**: Lists the files and directories in the current directory.  ```cmd  dir  ```- **`cd [directory]`**: Changes the current directory.  ```cmd  cd C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents  ```- **`cd ..`**: Moves up one directory level.  ```cmd  cd...

System Information CMD

Here are some essential Command Prompt (CMD) commands for obtaining system information in Windows:### **1. **System Overview**- **`systeminfo`**: Displays detailed configuration information about your computer.  - **Example:** `systeminfo`- **`hostname`**: Shows the name of the computer.  - **Example:** `hostname`### **2. **Network Configuration**- **`ipconfig`**: Displays network adapter settings, including IP address and...